Monday, March 5, 2012

Behavior In The 7th Grade

Hola! Its me again. Today I have to write about my seventh grade wrong behavior. Well to start it off we have some weird and inappropriate behaviors. First we have some students teasing each others about their mother's like when a person is being mean to them they would say "your mom" or "Thats what your mom said to me last night". Our class is pretty much messed up because they still act like kindergarteners.

Some other things that happen in class are, they blurt out things, have side conversations, rude comments, poeple speaking randomly, and students yelling and tapping on their desks. Our class should work on being nicer to others, not making side comments, not having side conversations whenever they want to, and not having come back fights all the time. I hope my class and myself could work on doing those things because if we keep doing the wrong desicion when we grow up we could probably end up somewhere where we don't want to ever be for example Juvy, becoming a homeless, or even right now people will start thinking of you as a rude person that teases you for no fudging reason, we need to stop being weird, inappropriate, rude, and mean.

Okay thanks for reading it bye!!!


  1. 20/20

    Awesome post, Sophia. I really enjoyed reading it.

  2. I agree, that our class is very rude and act like children and P.S. your blog is really great Sophia.
